7 Benefits of Building and Owning Your Own Website


For many small and new businesses across the world, proprietary software for website building look like a smart option – at least at first. Website builders don’t require any coding or web design knowledge and simply allow users to choose from an existing set of templates to build and launch functional websites. A small company or a startup on a shoestring budget may find this to be a suitable option for getting a site up and running. A website is a crucial step toward establishing a brand, but ultimately proprietary software tools fall short of what designing and building an entirely unique site from the ground up can offer.

Common Problems with Website Building Tools

When you opt for a website builder instead of investing in your own original web design, you are essentially trading functionality and flexibility for convenience and a deceptively low cost. The paltry $50 or $100 per month may seem like an affordable way to publish a website, but the appearance of your cookie-cutter website could lead to lost sales and missed opportunities for valuable business connections. You must also factor in the time required for you or your employees to use the builder to complete, publish, and maintain the site.

Every business owner needs to make educated decisions about opportunity cost, or the potential value of each available option for solving a particular problem. If a website builder tool only costs a few hundred dollars a year but required thousands of dollars in employee payroll to complete and maintain a passably acceptable site over that year, is it truly cost-effective? Additionally, you must account for lost business opportunities that you may have secured if your brand had a unique, professionally designed site instead.


Benefits of Building and Investing in Your Own Website

Instead of choosing a boxed solution for your website, consider the benefits of working with an experienced website designer and investing in a professionally designed website:

You will have something truly unique.

Many web users know how to spot template-created websites, and a boxed solution won’t do anything to help you stand out from your competitors. A uniquely designed website establishes your brand’s authority.

Your unique site will have better search engine optimization (SEO).

Most websites made with subscription-model website builder tools have inherently clunky construction aspects that bog down your SEO results. A professional web designer should have extensive experience with SEO and ensure the nuts and bolts of your website gear toward better search engine rankings.

A professionally designed website will attract more business.

Modern consumers are incredibly discerning and can quickly spot cookie-cutter websites built from templates. They have likely already encountered hundreds of them while searching, so your unique website will create a more memorable impression.

You can appeal to your target consumers with greater focus.

The biggest problem with template-built websites is they inherently use design elements aimed at mass appeal. Regardless of your industry, it’s vital to target your conversion strategy with a laser-like focus. Most template websites simply are not optimized for conversions, but a professional web designer can create a clear conversion path made specifically for the types of users you want to target.

Your website will have dedicated ongoing support.

If you ever encounter a problem with a website builder tool, it’s likely that other subscribers have the same or similar issues, and nailing down a support representative from the service provider can be a tremendous hassle. When you work with a professional web designer, he or she will know the site inside and out and will likely be more than willing to make adjustments or do some troubleshooting for you in the future if necessary.

You will have almost complete flexibility in terms of design.

Website builders only allow so much customization; you’re boxed into what the tool’s templates allow and not much else. This is the tradeoff for the seemingly low price point. When you choose a professional website designer, he or she will make your vision for your site a reality, within reason.

Your web designer could become a valuable new business partner.

If you decide to invest in a new website built from the ground up, the designer you choose will need to take time to get to know your company, your goals, your business model, and the types of customers you want to attract to your site. This inherently creates a partnership that can eventually open up many professional doors for both you and your designer.



In any business, the business owner must make several crucial decisions about the future of the company and how best to achieve the company’s goals. Designing a website is a major step toward establishing brand presence and the gateway between a company and a large chunk of its potential customer base, so choosing how to approach website design is not a decision to approach lightly.

Imagine Monkey is a full-service website development firm in Orange County offering comprehensive and robust website design and development services. If you would like to learn more about the benefits of creating your own website and how we can help, contact Imagine Monkey today.


Updated: 2/14/2023

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